
Beauty & Functionality Of Custom Rugs | Are They Better Than Ready-made Ones?

Custom-made/ customized rugs are becoming a norm day-by-day and for good reason. Rugs are crucial for both comfort and aesthetic uplifting purposes, plus they bring instant goodness to an area. So think about the allure that rug designed following all your specific requirements and your room’s decor will bring about. Worth a try!

If you haven’t given this decor improvement idea any thought before, Dubai Carpenter is here with an interesting and favorable piece of information. We’ll be talking about what makes bespoke rugs a (way) better choice than ready-made or mass-produced floor covering and why you should consider investing in them, at least once in your lifetime.

Customized Rugs; Exploring The Plethora Of Their Perks 

Whether your requirements are related to area beautification or you need to improve the comfort level of your place, a customized floor rug will provide well for every concern of yours.

Here’s our take on why you should consider having these rugs.

1- They Make A Fabulous Fit

They Make A Fabulous FitOne of the mainstream reasons a custom-made rug is a great element to acquire is that it can be a part of and complement any decor setting/theme. Whether you’ve got a sleek, minimal room interior or a classic decor theme with intricate details and vibrancy, you can get a rug custom-designed for just about every arrangement.

You can either make the custom-made rug a focal point in the room (get it designed with rich, outstanding colors and patterns) or simply use it to improve the overall decor flow, improving balance and cohesion, with the help of connecting/well-syncing designs, prints or hues.

2- They Offer Endless Decoration Possibilities

They Offer Endless Decoration Possibilities Custom RugsAnother fundamental advantage of prioritizing customized area rugs over ready-made ones is that they make it easy to experiment with different designs, patterns, details, and combos, basically a never-ending universe of ways to make a room stand out. Even if you don’t want to change the rest of the room’s stuff, you can mix and match two rugs or carpets.

Combining different rug textures, layering rugs, using funky shapes and measurements, encircling furniture or anchor pieces with rugs, and defining different areas are just a few of many approaches let your creativity escalate and perk up your surroundings.

3- They Outlast Every Soft Flooring

They Outlast Every Soft Flooring Custom RugsSince customized rugs are created with the finest materials as well as innovative techniques, they offer the most prolonged serviceability, unlike any regular carpeting. You can also have your say in the selection of materials, if you’ve got any particular preferences, such as wool and silk. Besides, you can also ask for the blending of more than one material for extra benefits.

One common example in this regard is combining natural fibers with synthetic ones to achieve opulence and resilience styling. In addition, you can also get several protective treatments for the surface of bespoke rugs, as per your concerns, like enhanced UV protection or stain resistance.

4- They Are Better For The Health

They Are Better For The HealthIf you’ve been avoiding carpets or rugs due to any health reason, such as allergies or respiratory problems, the good news is that having custom-made rugs won’t trigger any such condition(s). Many manufacturers offer specialized and certified rug designing services following the requirements of the user. All you gotta do is convey your situation and concerns properly.

To give you a more explicit idea, you can get hypoallergenic rugs, which, as you can guess by the name, won’t trigger any of your allergies. Another popular choice is pure wool rugs which come with a high resistance against mold, mildew, dust mites, and insects, a truly useful product.

5- They Perform Every Job Well

They Perform Every Job WellOf course, the primary idea of getting a rug customized is to fulfill one or more particular purpose(s), often those that regular floor coverings fail to offer. This could be anything such as eliminating the discomfort of hard, cold floors, improving energy efficiency, insulating a room, anchoring furniture, reducing the likelihood of slipping, balancing out the decor, etc.

It’s a good idea that you conduct thorough research about different fiber options and weaving styles to know the functionalities that they offer. Besides, you must evaluate your major needs precisely, so as to convey them well. Doing so will let you ditch all the former trouble involved.

6- They Protect Floorings From Damages

They Protect Floorings From DamagesYou would be definitely interested in this aspect if you have spent (or splurged!) a lot on the flooring in your home or office. This goes particularly true for luxurious treatments like wooden or laminate floorings which you wouldn’t want to get even slightly damaged by any factor on Earth. If you can relate to this (dire) need, a good, custom-made rug is all that you’d want.

They feature more pile height, and often have thick backings as well, to effectively reduce impact damage. Of course, you can always increase the thickness of every layer of your custom rug to ensure that no amount of footfall intensity or accidental impact reaches your precious flooring.

7- They Are A Valuable Decor 

They Are A Valuable DecorAnother great reason which will have you interested in the very investment of a customized area rug is the fact that it lasts the longest and can be the most worthwhile piece in your entire home decor. That’s primarily because such rugs are resistant to practically every damaging factor and can stay the same for years on end. And their value is meant to increase over time.

It would be a sheer bonus if you have them designed with rich, unique patterns, prints, or colors; they will be your one-of-a-kind classy ornamentation and keep your place inviting all along. Plus, if you ever get interested in selling them, you can always expect a mind-blowing return.

In The End

Getting a bespoke home decor or home improvement product is always a superior approach to purchasing pre-made stuff and this goes the same for area rugs as well. If you’ve been exploring floor coverings and haven’t found any outstanding or satisfactory choices, it’s high time you consider investing in made-to-measure rug(s). They will comfort you and benefit your lifestyle in more ways than you can possibly think of, and will give you excellent value for your money. Also, they are often the only change/upgrade that’s needed to spice up a boring decor, particularly if you are on a budget.

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